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The Horsehead Lake Association has one lake rake available to loan to Association members. If you are interested, please contact Gary Swier at 231-972-8856.


Important 2011 Lake Management and Weed Control Information

The 2011 Eurasian Watermilfoil treatment was conducted on Tues, May 31. A re-treatment will occur on Fri, June 17th, to ensure that the treatment is at the correct level (6 ppb). Unlike previous treatments where only specific areas were treated, this year's treatment is an "all lake" weed control treatment using the aquatic herbicide Sonar, which will treat the ENTIRE lake.

This treatment is safe and has been used commonly for similar treatments in many other Michigan lakes. Here are a few very important restrictions to remember:

1) Do not swim in the lake for at least 24 hours upon application.

2) Turn off ALL irrigation systems (both automatic and manual)... do not use the lake water for any irrigation / watering purposes until AFTER July 4th.

3) There is NO restriction on fish consumption.

Please remind your neighbors of the treatment restrictions, and please consult the "LAKE TREATMENT NOTICE" which was mailed to all residents on the lake, and is posted around the lake as well... if you would like more information on this treatment.

Thank you from the Horsehead Lake Association.


A Message from our Loon Ranger:

We have not had any loons hatch on Horsehead Lake for many years.  To encourage nesting this year, we are placing some artificial nesting islands (ANI), at two different locations on the lake.  One ANI will be located just south of the public landing and the second one will be placed just inside the entrance of Little John Brown.

IF YOU SEE ANY ACTIVITY ON THE LOON NESTS, PLEASE STAY AWAY!!!  INTEREFERENCE BY HUMANS WILL BOTHER THE NESTING LOONS AND THEIR CHICKS.  If all goes well, we will have an opportunity to watch new loon families swimming and diving in the lake with us.

Wishing all of you an enjoyable summer at Horsehead Lake,

The Loon Ranger



The 2007 treatment occurred on June 14, 2007.  Approximately 33 acres were treated with 2,4, D @$412 per acre. 2 Acres were treated with Renovate-3 @$437 per acre... Total Cost: $13,646... here are some photos of the process:





About Eurasian Watermilfoil on Horsehead Lake

The Horsehead Lake Association members along with other property owners have surveyed the Lakes for the past several years.  These surveys were conducted to determine if any invasive species aquatic plants have moved into the Lakes.  Unfortunately, the Lakes are infested with Eurasian Watermilfoil, a very aggressive, fast growing plant.

You may know the Tri-Lakes of Mecosta, Blue, and Round chemically treat and mechanically cut weeds in those lakes each year.  Chippewa Lake embarked on a chemical treatment program for watermilfoil last year.  Clear lake is starting a treatment program this coming year.  This Eurasian Watermilfoil has been all around our lakes.  NOW BIG and LITTLE JOHN BROWN and HORSEHEAD, OUR LAKES, HAVE IT!

This situation, indeed invasion, demands immediate action to control the current growth and eventually eradicate the milfoil.  The decision is not whether to treat the lakes or not, we must.  The question is how to most effectively treat and eliminate these weeds.  Below is a link to pictures of this weed.  A single wisp can multiple into 250 million new plants in a single year! 

Members of the Horsehead Lake Association along with other lake property owners have consulted with experts in eradication of these weeds.  Expert opinion from Michigan State University Fishery and Biology Department was also obtained.  An action plan has been developed.

Step 1 is to spot treat each area of growth currently in the lakes.  To do so, each location has been identified and the location marked via Global Positioning Sensor (GPS).  There are 170 marked locations thus far.  These location markers allow application of a granular chemical at each spot beginning early 2006.

Step 2 is to monitor in future years the results of the spot treatment.  If necessary, a further treatment plan will be put in place.

In order to apply for the necessary permit for spot treatment, some information is required from you. Below is a questionnaire you must complete and return to the Horsehead Lake Association as soon as possible.  The information required is your drinking water well location and the depth of the well.  Your agreement to do the spot treatment in front of or near your property is also required.  By completing the questionnaire (see below), you will provide the information necessary.  Please return your Aquatic Weed Control Reply Slip and contribution to the HHL Association (Address below). 

On behalf of the Horsehead Lake Association, thank you.  Please do not delay in your response with information and contribution.

Board of Directors

Horsehead Lake Association




1) Will the milfoil treatment affect the fish on Horsehead Lake?

NO... the treatment will affect only the invasive plants on the lake, not the fish.

2) Can I swim in the lake immediately following application of the milfoil treatment?

You should not swim in a treated area for 24 hours after the treatment.

3) How will I know when the treatment will be applied?

Signs will be posted near all affected areas, and we will also announce treatment dates on www.horseheadlake.org.

4) Where can I find information on the treatment being used?

The preferred treatment is known as "2,4-D"... it has proven to be the most successful strategy to eliminate Eurasian Watermilfoil. More information on "2,4-D" can be found HERE.

In areas where "2,4-D" cannot be applied due to proximity of wells, other treatments will be used (although they may not be as effective).

Click HERE for more information on the "Renovate 3" herbicide.

Click HERE for more information on Characteristics and Invasion of Eurasian Watermilfoil.


Click HERE for the Well Depth Information and Permission Sheet.  If you are a lake resident, please fill this out and mail to the address below. (This form is in adobe .pdf format).





Horsehead Lake Association

P.O. Box 344

Mecosta, MI 49332

Email: Information @ Horseheadlake.org

The content of this website is property of the Horsehead Lake Association and may not be duplicated without permission. 

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