JOIN HLA To join, please fill out the information below, then print and mail it along with your membership dues ($20 annually) to: The Horsehead Lake Association P.O.
Box 344
Dear Included with this letter is an updated HLA informational brochure and membership application. Please join your organization! The dues are only $20 per year! In doing so you will… □ Meet your neighbors and other lake homeowners □ Make it easier for us to disseminate information on lake issues to you □ Receive the quarterly HLA magazine, The Feedbag □ Be able to vote at the general membership meeting on important lake topics □ As a property owner and HLA member, communicate your wants and needs to the Board Some
of the activities organized and sponsored by the Horsehead Lake Association
are… □
Fish population survey conducted by □ Periodic water testing of the lakes □ Fish planting project □ The 4th of July boat parade □ Maintaining proper lake levels |
Horsehead Lake Association P.O. Box 344 Mecosta, MI 49332 Email: Information @ Horseheadlake.org The content of this website is property of the Horsehead Lake Association and may not be duplicated without permission. Terms of Use |