![]() The Horsehead Lake Association WHAT IS THE HORSEHEAD LAKE ASSOCIATION? The Horsehead Lake Association is a voluntary organization incorporated under Michigan laws as a private, non-profit corporation. WHEN DID THE ASSOCIATION GET STARTED? It was formed in 1981, with the first Board of Directors elected that summer, and has been in continuous existence since. WHAT IS THE PURPOSE OF IT? The Bylaws and Articles of Incorporation state: "The purposes of the corporation are to preserve and enhance the environmental and recreational quality and safety of the Horsehead Lake, Big John Brown Lake, and Little John Brown Lake areas and Lakes themselves by enlisting the efforts of owners of property surrounding the three lakes to promote, organize, manage, and support endeavors toward those ends and to engage in any activity consistent with the foregoing purposes for which a Michigan non-profit corporation may be formed." WHO CAN BE VOTING MEMBERS OF THE ASSOCIATION? The Bylaws state that: "Membership is voluntary and is open to any individual who supports the objectives of the Association, subject to approval by the Board of Directors." WHO RUNS THE ASSOCIATION? It is governed by a fifteen member, voluntary Board of Directors to which five persons are elected by the membership each year for three-year terms. WHAT ARE THE QUALIFICATIONS FOR DIRECTORS? Members who are interested in what the Association stands for and who are willing to attend meetings and to work are potential Directors. Our efforts have been aided by a variety of skills and abilities brought to the Board over the years. HOW OFTEN DOES THE BOARD MEET? The Board usually meets the second Saturday of each month, except February. The annual membership meeting is held in July, at which election of Directors is held. WHAT DOES THE ASSOCIATION DO? The Association: works with the Department of Natural Resources and the Michigan Lake and Stream Associations on the ongoing monitoring of our lakes' quality; has worked with the DNR continuously on planting fish in the lakes, maintaining a fish pond and dam to rear fingerlings and then putting the fish into the lakes; helps to monitor gypsy moth infestation and works with county personnel when spraying is indicated, collecting money from lake property owners for that purpose; working with local emergency personnel, purchased, installed, and maintains fire zone signs at road entrances; purchased and installed, with DNR approval, a number of boating markers on and near the lakes; works with county and township officials as lake needs or concerns dictate; commissioned a limnological survey of Horsehead Lake by the Michigan State University Department of Fisheries and Wildlife in 1989 which provided "a basis for future development and management of the lake" and has cooperated in other studies, such as, one done more recently by some students at Ferris State University, which all provide helpful information about the status and potential problems of our lakes; maintains contact with natural gas providers regarding any plans they may have to bring service into the lakes' area; has purchased several lake rakes for members' use; issues a quarterly newsletter with news and items of information of interest to Association members; works closely with the Mecosta County Drain Commissioner in monitoring and maintaining proper lake levels; conducted a petition drive to have the lake level legally changed when it was determined that the summer level was being maintained at a level higher and more desirable than the legal level and took the necessary steps to bring the case to the Circuit Court where the level was finally changed in December, 1995; calls for an annual boat parade in July and awards prizes to some of the better entries; work closely with Martiny Township to manage Eurasian Watermilfoil treatments; sponsored an annual picnic until recently when interest waned; conducts fish surveys periodically and has developed an ongoing fish management plan; contributes resources, when called upon, in support of the surrounding community; attempts to keep up with news and developments that may affect the three lakes. HOW DOES SOMEONE HAVE INPUT TO THE BOARD? Attend Board meetings the second Saturday of the month at the Martiny Township Hall; attend the annual meeting in July; write to the HLA at P. O. Box 344, Mecosta 49332; or email Information @ HorseheadLake.org. HOW MUCH DOES IT COST TO BE A MEMBER OF THE HLA? The dues are $20.00 per year which can include two members (e.g. a husband and wife). Click HERE to see the bylaws of the HHL Association (requires Adobe Acrobat to open!) |
Horsehead Lake Association P.O. Box 344 Mecosta, MI 49332 Email: Information @ Horseheadlake.org The content of this website is property of the Horsehead Lake Association and may not be duplicated without permission. Terms of Use |